Commercial Electricians Sydney | Motion Lights Won’t Turn Off

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When Your Motion Lights Won’t Turn Off

Posted on under Tips

Commercial Electricians Sydney Advice:

Installing security lights is a great way of protecting your household, business from potential intruders. Everything is efficient as long as it works  correctly, but when the problems occur they obviously don’t seem so appealing. Some of them can be fixed without electrician’s help. However, when it comes to industrial spaces we recommend contacting Caslec, commercial electricians in Sydney.

Lights Stay On

Security lights with a motion sensor are supposed to come on only when they detect movement. But sometimes they remain on all the time. In most of the cases, it’s caused by a spike in current, although you may have to deal with a recurring issue.

The best way to assess the problem is to check if something has been changed. Maybe something is constantly moving in front of the sensor on the security lights. If not, try to turn the lights off at the breaker for approximately a minute. See if the security light has gone off and then turn the breaker back on. The light will reappear but should switch off after a few minutes.

Over Sensitivity

If the motion sensor lights keep coming on for every passing thing, you have to adjust the sensitivity or change the direction of the sensor to fix the issue. Also, double check if the light has a proper view of the area it’s covering.

If you are still facing issues with security lights in your business area

Contact Caslec, commercial electricians from Sydney!!!

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